How it Works:
1) Choose your package
Select either a 1-hour or 2-hour interview via phone or in-person (within the Twin Cities metro for fully-vaccinated individuals). Learn more about each package here. Yes! You can purchase a Life in Story package as a gift.
2) You’ll receive:
• a digital gift certificate, if requested
• a short pre-interview questionnaire for selecting topics and sharing important details
• scheduling instructions
• details about how to call at your scheduled day + time, or details for in-person interviews
3) The interview
Whether by phone or in-person, Alisa comes prepared with plenty of questions to help the memories flow. Some people feel a bit nervous at first. That’s normal. As we ease into the conversation, it starts to feel more natural and safe. Remember, this isn’t a performance, just a conversation with a genuine, compassionate person. Those who love you look forward to hearing your stories.
4) Submit photos
You’ll be able to send us digital photographs to accompany your audio interview on your custom web page. (Photos will not be used elsewhere without your consent.) If you choose not to send photos, no problem. We’ll add some simple, beautiful photography to brighten up your page.
5) Receive your audio
Within two weeks you’ll receive a link to your personalized, password-protected web page. From there, you can listen, share and download your audio for safe keeping. Get ready for tears, laughter and insight when you hear the final audio!